Called by our faith in a God who loves the whole world, ECLC works for justice for the whole world. Our call in the world is reflected in everything we do, including preaching and faith formation. We believe loving your neighbor is a lifelong faith value, so we provide-and participate in-service opportunities for all ages.
Our tradition shows us that God engages in transformational relationship with us…and we are called into transformational relationship with our neighbor. We seek transformational relationship with each of our 21 mission partnerships by serving with, advocating for, praying for, learning about, and giving to each of these important organizations.
We invite you to learn more! Click on the links below to read more about our partners, or contact their respective ECLC Mission Partner Liaisons, the ECLC volunteers who shepherd our connection to these vital organizations.
Interested in our commitment to justice or the work of our Mission Committee? Contact ECLC’s Mission & Ministry Developer, Deacon Lauren Morse-Wendt.
ACT-TC; Nancy Ott-Pinckaers
Avenues for Youth; Doris Pagelkopf
Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative; Jeanie Thomas
Bright Stars of Bethlehem; Gary Gronert
Community Emergency Service; Bill Larson & Rich Space
Every Meal; Erika LaDousa
Global Refuge; Charlie Jordan & Joe Larson
Household and Outside Maintenance for Elders; Jim Olson
Interfaith Coalition on Immigration; Maggie Pastarr
Loaves & Fishes; Tom Dokken
Lutheran World Relief; Ronna Vinge
Meals on Wheels Crosstown; Jen Skavnak
MIGIZI; liaison TBD
Minnesota Freedom Fund; Rita Laker-Ojok
Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light; Dan LaFontaine
National Alliance on Mental Illness MN; Fern Peterson
ReconcilingWorks; Teresa Tate
Cristo de Paz; Megan Daman
Redeemer Lutheran Church; Lynda Thompson
San Pablo-St. Paul’s Lutheran; Katie and Avery Kaul
ECLC is a congregation of the Minneapolis Area Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Mark Vinge is the liaison to the Minneapolis Area Synod office.